I used to be a really avid reader! In fact, I used to select books based on their size.....the bigger the better! I loved James Michener and Jean Auel, among many others. I'm a fan of Jodi Picoult and still try to catch up on all her novels dealing with current, controversial topics. But basically, I haven't read much in recent years, especially since my business has required a good deal of time creating, knitting, felting, and producing a number of items to keep my business going. That means I almost never allow myself time during the day to luxuriate in a book.
I'd been reading at bedtime, like 5 - 15 minutes per night, getting drowsier by the minute. That's actually good in a sense because I am NOT a good sleeper - never have been. But I'd find that my 10 minute (average) read time each night never got me through a book - or more frequently I'd just not remember what I had read, so I'd have to reread much of it. No way to make progress!
Along came iPad and my daughter's Kindle account - which we share (the account, not the iPad!) Not that that's wholly changed my reading (or knitting) habits, but it's exposed me to more reading material. She and I share a few tastes but not always. Of course I HAD to read the 50 Shades trilogy, and boy, that didn't take terribly long. Once you start on that, well....need I say more?
Anyway, I poured through some of her choices and purchased some of my own. She owns the Amazon account, so she gets to pay for those books. I always offer to send her a check, but she doesn't let me, saying, "Mom, I think I can afford to buy you a book once in a while. It doesn't even come close to what you've done for me!" :) So I let her!
Having just finished one on her book list, a fascinating autobiographical account by Jeannette Walls, The Glass Castle. Ms. Walls recounts the trials and tribulations of living in poverty through childhood, and becoming a successful journalist and telejournalist. An eye-opener for sure!
So then I didn't find anything on her list of books, so I posted on FB a request for recommendations, and I now have many from which to choose. I have started with Gone Girl, by Gillian Flynn, based on three people's advice, and I have to admit that it is INSTANTLY interesting (that was one of my criteria). So I have forsaken all my creative arts for the moment, because it's a gripping story of the disappearance of a young wife. Uh oh! This doesn't bode well for my productivity!
Now if you like to know the other recommendations, please visit here, with thanks to all who sent their recommendations!
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