But even before the holidays, I have some exciting events in the offing! So.....please SAVE THE DATES!
- Featured Artist of the Month at Port City Pottery & Fine Crafts in The Cotton Exchange: September 28 - October 25, with opening reception during Fourth Friday Gallery Night on Sept 28 from 6 - 9 PM. As always, refreshments will be served, and I'll be there along with a number of our other artists to welcome you to our gallery.
- Ladies Night Out at Porters Neck Country Club: Thursday, November 8 from 6PM. I will share the spotlight with fellow artist (beaded jewelry), Liz Vavra. Dinner, shopping, and small presentation, and surprises!
- My Annual Home Show and Sale! Saturday, December 1, 10AM - 4PM. Lots of surprises and discount of UP TO 40% on some of my items. Participating artists this year: Arlene Weinrich, jeweler/metalsmith, and Diane Torgersen, painter and fiber artist. Please note that this event is ONE-DAY ONLY this year!
Please feel free to visit the following to see examples of my work:
- Flickr, where I post photos of EVERYTHING I create.
- My page on the Port City Pottery & Fine Crafts website.
- Facebook, where I have both a profile page and a Scarf It Up! Page.
But now I have to tell you how NOT fun felting has become. If you want to read the full saga of the new washing machine AND the WONDER WASHER, see these posts: Part One, Part Two, Part Three. And the bag that I had in the washing machine this morning, took all morning to felt - several run-throughs in the machine and a final 10 minutes or so in Wonder Washer! And it's UGLY!!! Photos here.
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