Funky RagTie |
Colder than........! You can fill in that blank as you see fit! My answer isn't really printable! But I am enormously grateful to be home, to have my guy home too, and to not have anywhere I have to be (except to deliver dinner to a friend who is undergoing chemo for breast cancer). So, yes, I COOKED!!!! For those of you who've known me forever, I USED to cook all the time (and DH did none of it!). Now I am blessed with DH who cooks most of the time. But today I made my mother's pot roast, broccoli with mushrooms; DH made risotto, and I've got it all packaged to deliver at 6 PM.
Mini-Mochi Eros Fizz II |
But......I did spend time today photographing many new items created in the last week while sitting in a hospital room or at home in the evening. I am delighted to have a new camera (and new cell phone!) The camera is nothing spectacular, a point and shoot Nikon. Most recently I've been taking photos outside on my manny, so the light is pure and the background green and lovely. It never got much above freezing today - most unusually cold for this part of NC - but I put on my knee-length down coat from RI (that I used to wear skiing!), hood, scarf, ski gloves, pulled manny out of the garage and dressed her in scarves. I took 15+ photos while freezing my a** off out there, despite the sunshine.
Cachecol Crochet |
Numb to the core, I came in to thaw and load the photos onto the computer - only to find that I had neglected to put the card into the camera. DUH!!!! Next round...... dragged manny out again, dressed her again and got some decent photos of the new work, seen within this post. Then I spent half an hour looking for the charger. Couldn't find it anywhere, until I recalled that I had initially charged it in a new place, and voila.....there it was. I was just about ready to search on the Nikon website for a replacement.
Julie's Bernadetta Scarf |
Burnt Embers Twist Scarf |
Such is my world! I've gone from fairly copacetic to insane in the week spent at the hospital!
I love that Burnt Embers Twist Scarf! It has the prettiest colors and I can't believe something as shredded as that could look so lovely!
Thanks, Scarf! I appreciate your comments. How dio I find you?
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