I sent her my flickr link to ALL the Loopies, hoping she could find the one she had lost so I could see if there was any possibility of making another. She found it: "Mostly Green Sparkly Loopy."
Initially, I thought I didn't have enough of the "sparkly" ribbon, and I couldn't find the other one at all. I experimented with many different ribbons but nothing looked quite like that. Rather, they looked like these - much busier - and far less green:
Then...in spending some time (while on the phone today) sorting and organizing ribbons in my stash, I found what could be the same green ribbon of the original. I used the small quantity of the sparkly ribbon in the first one above, and I'll have to UN-do it in order to DO it again with the right ribbons. And yet, I really like what evolved in that first photo.
Meanwhile, I've sent the photos to the customer who replied via iPhone that she did like "this" one....but alas, there was no photo attached so I could see WHICH one!!! So now I have to wait until she reaches home and her PC so I can know which of the sample photos I sent appeals to her the most.
Moral of this story.....PLEASE try not to lose the Loopies! I'm happy to make more or try to duplicate ones already made (and in this case, purchased), but it's never easy, especially since I rarely have more of any given yarn. I almost always buy just one skein of anything I see and love, because everything I create is OOAK. The intention is NOT to repeat my designs! So....one person's loss is probably another's gain, but to me, it's just trying to please my customers. Not complaining....I love that she loved it so much to want another exact model, but it does cause some angst on my part and much time. I hope it all works out just fine - for me and for my customer!
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